sales reports on mobile

mcore is an android and iOS app for generating sales reports & charts on tablets and smartphones. It is integrated with accounting and ERP systems through cloud and certified for fiscalization. It receives data from accounting systems in real time and generates reports for daily & hourly sales, and sales by category, unit, operator and latest invoices.

latest invoices in real time

With mcore, you can generate the latest invoices report to see all latest invoices generated by all operators in your stores and business units in real time. Latest invoices includes the operator, date, time, total and list of items in the invoice.

daily and hourly sales

With mcore, you can generate a report and line graph to see sales by day and time, and trends. Check sales for each day of the latest week and for each hour of the current day and check peak hour and days and slow hours and days.

compare operators, categories, units

With mcore you can generate a report and pie chart to see and compare sales by operator, category and business unit. The pie chart reveals the sales totals for your business, and how the pie is divided by operators, categories, or units.

sales by operator

Generate reports and pie charts per operator, to see the best and compare operators with one another.

latest invoices

Check latest invoices filled out by operators in real time with items, value, operator, date and time.

sales by unit

Generate reports and charts to see which sales or business units have performed better and compare.

sales by time

Generate sales by time report to see sales by hours of the day and see peaks and slow hours.

sales by day

Generate sales by date report to see sales by days of the week, and see peaks and slow days.

ssales by category

Generate sales by category report and pie chart to see and compare operators and their sales.

our clients
