software for retail stores

eshop is a software solution for retail stores for filling out digital invoices and printing them out. With eshop you can list items with stock, costs and prices. eshop can be used by all types of retail businesses such as kiosks, convenience stores, clothing, electronics, jewelry stores, hairdressers, pharmacies, and so on.

fill out & print out invoices

Add items to the invoice by scanning them with a barcode scanner. Specify the quantity of same items added by number. You can also add discounts per item, the invoice or customer.

list items by stock

Check item stock in the warehouse based on date. Check the cost and value of items in the warehouse. Filter items based on category and based on items that are available.

register suppliers and buy items

Register suppliers in the system. Create purchasing invoices and specify the supplier, items, prices, totals. Generate reports to see all invoices and all payments made to suppliers.

fill out receipts

Fill out the receipt by entering items from a menu or scanning them. Print out receipts.

items & menus

Enter items with descriptions, cost, price, barcode, production formula and categorize them in menues.

items & stock

Check item stock by date or period. Access and generate warehouse reports.

buy from suppliers

Register suppliers and create purchasing invoices. Access reports of purchases by supplier.

staff performance

Check staff’s presence and their sales performance by generating sales & cash-in reports by operator.

register customers

Register customers to create a CRM database and reward them with discounts by category.
